Sunday, 25 September 2011


This week I have had the best sleeps I've had in months, no waking up in the middle of the night and have been getting up at 630 so's I can get the early train to start work at 830 and finish at 400. The other day I was home at 520. It was grrrrrreat!! Last night was another successful sleep, in spite of music from both sides of the flat. I plugged in Ricky Gervais Season 5 audiobook and wrapped my pillow around my head and off I went. Today I am full o' beans. Have had breakfast, had a dance, done a bit of a tidy up and put the washing on. This rarely happens. Sunday's for me are usually spent wallowing in bed desperately trying to fight off a disgusting hangover. It's refreshing to be alert.

Despite being fully alert, I don't intend to be on the go all day. I'm having a lunchtime break now and have popped on The Departed, which I remember really enjoying at the cinema, and have a lovely coffee waiting to be consumed. Perfect. Day.

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