Saturday, 3 September 2011

Domestic goddess

Two weeks ago I had the most monstrous pile of ironing to do. Honestly, I don't think there has ever been anyone in the world who had quite as much to do as I did then. And it had been sat on the dining table for a good two weeks too so as my need for fresh delicates got greater I knew something had to be done. Now, I'm not one for ironing for the fun of it like some crazy bastards out there are, I need some mental stimulation along the way, and my sudden realisation had come at a time when there was nothing on the telly and no DVDs I fancied watching. Bummer. No stimuli. It was going to be a boring late night session listening to the heavy and repetitive thud of "Drew" (the neighbour I have yet to see) and his shit music next door - which I should have counted my blessings for actually as a week later it was the heavy and repetitive thud of something a little more amorous that I had to endure - that link is actually NO exaggeration as to what I was subjected to, utterly horrific. So as I was sat singing Hiding Tonight to myself and contemplating how best to tackle the pile I remembered the whole being able to rent films thing and thought it was time to conquer the film with the song itself in, Submarine. If it's good enough for Alex Turner to put his voice to, it's good enough for old Rachy Roo to watch. 

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