Monday, 31 October 2011

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

This was another Hebden Bridge Picture House job which was just as enjoyable as the first one. Perfect tea, perfect popcorn and delicious chewits! Nommity nom nom.

Will write a bit about it soon, I've just smeared my chilli fingers over my top lip and it is frigging HOT!!!

The Adventures of Tintin - The Secret of the Unicorn

Ok, so anyone who knows me knows that I love Tintin. He's my guilty pleasure. If I'm ever having a lazy Sunday or can't get to sleep on a night, out comes Tintin. 

In lieu of a fellow fan to go and see it with I managed to convince Jen to accompany me, which was nice of her because it she was not interested in it. 

I'm not sure how I felt about it to be honest. I think I might have built it up too much in my head. For starters there were children in the cinema. I don't like children. Fact. I almost lost it when Tintin came on the screen and one of the little grebs screeched "who's thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" "It's Tintin you knobhead, now shut up or get the hell out", is what i wanted  to yell. But I didn't.

So, yes, anyway, as I was saying, I don't know how I felt about it. Loved the opening sequence. The motion capture stuff was amazing, albeit creepy, and the iconic bits of scenery such as when Tintin and Haddock arrive in the desert and when they are on their camels arriving in whichever city it is, they are brilliant and I was really excited to see them played out. But it wasn't like the cartoons, which while funny in places remained serious. No the film had more of a slapstick approach in places which I presume was to appeal to children now but for me, it took away from the enjoyment. Although it didn't take away from the enjoyment as much as the entirely made-up stuff did!! When did Sakharine have a falcon?! And when did Castafiore sing for a sultan and break bulletproof glass with her voice?! NEVER is when. Never. 

I hold out more hope for the next one, which will be a combination of The Seven Crystal Balls (one of my favourites) and The Prisoners of the Sun. I'm going to give it an 8.5/10 - I only wish it were higher.

Despicable Me

OH MY GOD WHAT A BRILLIANT FILM!!!!!! I had never heard of this and when it was suggested as a DVD to watch one evening I'll admit I wasn't particularly interested in it. But I was swayed almost immediately!! I love Gru's voice, any kind of accent like that makes me chuckle and I just want to hear more and more and more of it, fortunately he's chatter chatter chattering away all the way through.

Premise of the film is that Gru is a super-villain who is being outvillained (made up word there) by a fresh new super-villain called Vector. Elsewhere three girls are up for adoption and Gru ends up taking them on so that he can use them against Vector. It's pretty much about him not wanting them around but then obviously growing to love them.

We have not one but TWO favourite bits. Number one is this - he's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!!! He's so FLUFFY! I see a little of myself in that small child. Especially as what reminded me to write about this film was posting on a friend's Facebook that their baby was so cute that I might die. Number two is this scene - bad video like but it's the only one I could find. It's so lovely. All the girls wanted was a dad to kiss them goodnight. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I could weep. 


10/10 from the Higgmeister General

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Obsessive Compulsive Denominations

I've gone blogging crazy today. Four posts. However, I like five and multiples thereof so I insert this pointless post to satisfy my inner-oddities. 

You are my one true friend, always my one true friend

My mum told me the other day that this is hers and my dad's song. I think it's lovely...

Crazy, Stupid, Love

The hoosemate and I decided that we would have a little cinema trip the other week. We'd both rather enjoyed the trailer for this because Ryan Gosling was funny in it and so we opted to see it. I managed to push past my extreme dislike for Steve Carell and dare I say that at one point in the film I actually found him attractive, although when I said to Jen "did you find Steve Carell oddly good-looking in that" she said "no" to which I meekly said "yeah, me neither". 

Film was enjoyable. Nice, easy Friday night viewing. There were quite a few points when I laughed out loud (or LOL'd for those of you who can only communicate laughter by that vile, yes vile, acronym) and one point when I nearly cried. Again. I'm such a cry baby these days. Wah! 

As with James Franco, I found a new love for Ryan Gosling. The reason for my enjoyment of him was slightly more material being solely down to his fine tailored suits and his back. I wasn't particularly enjoying him without his top off until I saw his back in dim lighting. Man I love a toned back. Back back back. 

Can't say I'll be rushing out to buy it on DVD when it comes out but if it were on the telly I would probably give it a Sky+

Rachy rating - solid 6/10 

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

We had a little cinema trip to Hebden Bridge Picture House on Tuesday night after work. My first venture to the often talked about independent cinema and I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed both the venue and the film. Upon arrival I had already had a couple of G&Ts and some wine so thought I'd slow things down with a cup of tea. No lie when I say the best cuppa I have made in a loooooooooooooooooooooong time. Appear to have lost the knack for making good brews of late, and didn't have many hopes for this when the woman behind the counter handed the metaphorical baton over to me to complete the tea-making process. Did not disappoint though. Neither did the popcorn, or fruit salad flavour Chewits. And it all came in at just over £10. BARGAIN compared to Pue and Shittyworld. 

Planet of the Apes - went in with little knowledge of the premise of the plot. I knew there were apes. I was vaguely aware of a planet. But what of the background behind it all? Well, I found the film to be a right little charmer. No doubt about it, I need to have a monkey/ape in my life. One that hasn't flipped though like Caesar did in this. Although he didn't really flip I suppose, he was just standing up for his buddies. Nearly cried, or wept rather, at two points: when John Lithgow dies in his sleep; when Caesar draws his "window" on the wall of his cell. Heart. Wrenching. In fact, all scenes between Will and Caesar were touching. You'd have to be made of stone not to melt just a little bit.

New man of the moment - James Franco. Always thought he was pretty fit but this really put the nail in the bed. Tips to win me over - love a monkey and cry. Done. 

Fright Night - Scre4m

ARGH! Had a couple of friends round tonight for what was meant to be a scary movie marathon. Unfortunately we spent too much time stuffing our faces with fajitas, the BEST food in the world, and only had time for one. Although in hindsight I don't think I could have handled more than one scary film seeing as I'm pretty much typing a sentence and then having a quick scan of the room to make sure no mentalists are approaching. None so far. Phew. 

I was quite obsessed with Scre4m this year. I was too young to see the other three at the cinema when they were out and there hasn't really been anything of that genre out since, or nothing of that genre that has appealed at least. Closest I've had at the cinema was Cabin Fever and let's face it that was about an aggressive skin infection, not a serial killer. Anyway, when Fright Night was set up I suggested Scre4m cos I saw it when it came out and thoroughly enjoyed it. I saw it in Edinburgh when we went up for a Bank Holiday weekend. I had the pleasure of staying in the hoosemate's mum's room, which has what has to be THE comfiest bed in the world. Absolutely amazing. Soft bedding, firm but fluffy pillows and oooooooooooh a delightful mattress. Back's never felt more teenaged. However, all the other bedrooms are upstairs and that one is off in its own little wing of the house. Needles to say I was shitting my pants when we got back from seeing it. Not helped by the fact that everyone else was sleeping upstairs and they took great joy in informing me that if someone did come to get us, I would be the first to go due to my isolation *quick scan of room. Think it took me a good hour to pluck up the courage to venture into the bathroom, which gave my Kegel muscles a great workout so not a total loss. Gotta keep things toit. Luckily I had my laptop with me so 4oD'd a couple of episodes of The Inbetweeners and all was well and good in the world again. Fast forward to this evening. My fellow Fright Nighters have gone home and my housemate is in the motherland until Monday so I am sat on the sofa with my mind working overtime. Have come across Sex and the City on the telly so something light to bring me down again but I'm still a bit edgy. I know, I know. Pathetic. But it's the mask you see. Oh god, the mask. Frigging hate it. Scares the b'jesus out of me. Gonna give myself til 2 to get a grip and then simply must go to bed. Frigging knackered! 

Fright Night success rating - 10 on 10.